
Company Name: ArcelorMittal Distribution Solutions legal

Structure: SASU Partnership simplified to sole shareholder head

Office: 16 Avenue de la Malle 51370 SaintBrice Courcelles, France amount of the share

Capital: 35,200,000.00 €


Unique identification number of the company: 469 500 961

E-mail address:

Telephone number not surcharged: + 33 (0) 326 84 65 65

Registration number in the commercial and corporate register (RCS) sui Life of the name of the city where the registry is located: RCS Reims 469 500 961

Individual Tax identification number intra-Community

VAT number: VAT N °: BE39 469 500 961

web host: Intelligence Group( BE/), 69 rue de Monceau, 75008 Paris-Phone number: + 33 (0) 1 40 86 22 31

Responsible for publication: Jean-Baptiste Courtier